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Hidden OS-Double System (two sliding sheets)

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    Sosoares, S.A.

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    351 - 234729743

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    Assembly required

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    EN Language Anglický

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    bez štandardu

  • formát Autodesk RevitIFC

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referencie: OS-double
Jednotková cena: 0.00
Prezentácia a predaj výrobku: Hidden OS-Double System (two sliding sheets) in Revit and IFC format
popis: The minimalist sliding system rose as an answer to new architectural trends intending to combine the maximum transparency with the minimum structural sight.
Všeobecné podmienky: Consult with the manufacturer's technical-commercial department.
Krajina predaja: Andorra, španielsko, Portugalsko,
Masterformat Code - popis: -
UNSPSC Code: -
UNSPSC Popis: -
Uniclass 2,0 Code: -
Uniclass 2.0 Popis: -
OmniClass Code: -
OmniClass Popis: -
Cobie Kategórie: -
IFC Popis: -:
certifikáty: -
Predpokladaná životnosť: -
výška ( ): 0.00
šírka ( ): 0.00
hĺbka ( ): 0.00
technické charakteristiky: Presentation OS-Simple | OS-Double | OS-Triple Fixed frame -OS-Simple and OS-Double: 52 mm | 119 mm | 186mm -OS Triple: 78mm | 169mm Mobile frame -OS-Simple and OS-Double: 46 mm | 71 mm | 96 mm -OS-Simple: 70mm | 94mm | 118mm Middle profiles: -OS-Simple and OS-Double: 64mm | 65 mm | 90 mm | 100 mm -OS-Triple: 90mm | 126mm | 146mm Lateral sight: 30 mm Central sight: 20 mm Upper and lower sights: 0 mm Filling: OS-Simple: 10mm | 12mm | 16mm OS-Double: 32mm | 35mm (tempered glass) OS-Triple: 56mm (tempered glass) Maximum: OS-Simple and OS-Double: 500Kg weight/leaf: OS-Triple: 1000Kg (with motorization) Maximum: OS-Simple and OS-Double: 8,00m² area/leaf: OS-Triple: 14,00m² (other dimensions, consult Tech. Department) Maximum: OS-Simple and OS-Double: 3500mm height/leaf: OS-Triple: 4500mm
Materiály a povrchové úpravy: Consult the technical data sheet of the product.
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