Selling, digitizing, and internationalizing the company's brand requires a 360º BIM strategy.

Did you know that Bimetica is the most complete BIM consulting platform for Manufacturers on the market?

Scroll down to know the combined services that make us leaders


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Tradition Vs Innovation

Traditional tools to promote yourself are not efficient. They don´t allow you to access qualitative data on the behavior of leads, and they do not provide you with a global strategy.

In the Bimetica platform, you´ll be able to measure the impact of your brand and products in different markets, being specified in projects, and readapt your strategy with instant information based on the behavior of your potential clients.

You have state-of-the-art tools at your disposal that will allow you to be a leader in Smart Marketing and tendering.


BIM Consulting

Bimetica has more than 11 years in the specialization of consulting services for manufacturers of construction products and materials, at an international level.

Because not all manufacturers have the same needs and objectives in times of digitization.

We audit the company and study the market environment where it will operate, to provide a tailored and scalable solution.

For this reason, we use all our resources and knowledge so that the manufacturer's investment meets expectations and the return of investment.

Development of BIM Libraries

We digitize the products of the Manufacturers in the different BIM formats on the market and in all languages, according to the market requirement and prescription level.

Our philosophy is Quality in the Development of BIM Libraries. For this reason, we dedicate prior advice and guidance to the manufacturer so that the data of the products prior to BIM development are ordered and managed.

Unlike other agents, at Bimetica, we do not hijack the manufacturer's BIM Library through Copyright, nor do we alter prices and qualities with inferior developments. Ethics and transparency in our services define us from our origins.

We are very successful in our developments, so much so that our BIM Objects are used in other platforms on the market.

BIM Objects Quality Certificate

Not all BIM Libraries are the same. Quality is key to specifying or discarding a digitized product in BIM.

We are committed to quality and ethics, and for this reason Bimetica adheres to the GDO-BIM Standard for the development of BIM Libraries.

Manufacturers, who model their products under the GDO-BIM standard obtain a BIM Certificate that guarantees the Quality of the files and their usability in projects.

Bimetica, by granting the BIM Quality Certificate, becomes the technical guarantor of the development, thereby supporting the manufacturer's investment decision.

Visibility for your brand and prodcuts

The Bimetica platform is one of the most visited websites by construction professionals from more than 190 countries. On the platform, professionals find, request, manage and download files with product data that they will then specify in their projects.

If one of the manufacturer's objectives is to have more presence or to make their brand and products known, they can open an account that will give them the visibility they need in up to 32 languages.

Bimetica has subscription plans adjusted to the needs and budget of the manufacturer. You can open an account for free, and receive more information, under Registration.

PIM & BIM Platform

The Manufacturer will find in the Bimetica platform, a true data management and ordering system for all the products that the company manufactures or distributes.

The key to a good BIM Library or Digital Catalogs lies in the correct organization and location of product data. For this reason, we put PIM tools at your disposal so that you can define the digital catalog of products by combining images and downloadable files.

The PIM data structure of the platform is adapted for exporting and subsequent use for the development of BIM Libraries.

The Bimetica PIM system allows you to easily create several products in bulk, manage and adapt the information, combine images and files associated with the products. You can download segmented data and product reports.

You will also be able to know the market trend on the use of your product information in projects.

3D Control Viewer

This tool allows you to view the BIM files of products in IFC format. You will be able to access the graphic information of the products and the technical information contained in the parameter sets of the files. The 3D viewer has tools to download technical information in various formats (CSV, XLSX, TXT, PDF).The objective is that you´ll have greater control of the data, without having to resort to other external viewers or BIM software on the market.

BIM Analytics Platform

Information is the key to making the best decisions. Bimetica puts different measurement and statistical tools in the hands of Manufacturers, which will allow them to access strategic data on demand for their products.

With statistical tools, you will be able to learn about new markets and access the professional profiles that specify your products, establishing a better link with the professional.

The company´s sales team with this data will have more possibilities of converting the leads into clients.

CRM Control BIM

If you have asked yourself: Can I know if the files of my products are used by the companies or professionals in my CRM?

Bimetica has the solution.

With CRM Control you will be able to know this according to your Professional Contact Base, if they are downloading the files of your products or if your products are being specified in their projects.

If you want to measure the impact of your brand on views or commercial actions; CRM Control is the ideal tool for effective monitoring.

Interaction with Professionals.

The Bimetica platform works as a communication bridge between the Manufacturer and the Specifying Professional.

We provide solutions, such as Request for quotes, Request for new files or product documents, Direct contact with the manufacturer, or BIM technical support requests for BIM projects.

All these requests reach the Manufacturer so that they can follow up with the professional.

The tools are designed to give feedback to the company's Marketing, Commercial and Technical departments.

Don't just have the number of downloads!

You can take a greater leap. Follow up on potential clients and generate sales through global solutions to different market requests.

Project Prescription Statistics

Do you want to know in which BIM projects your company's products are specified?

The Bimetica platform we can help you.

With specification statistics tool in projects, you will be able to access the reference data of the project and the project professional contact.

With this information you will have the opportunity to do a commercial follow-up on the specification of your products in a project or projects, or a better recommendation on the use of other solutions provided by your company.

This solution opens the door directly to a potential client.

Dedicated BIM Marketing

We are present in more than 190 countries and with a global reach to all professional profiles that intervene in the construction process.

Through our brand BIMChannel we are specialized in Marketing campaigns for BIM users.

Development of articles with technical or advertising content, newsletter campaigns with segmentation of professional profiles, campaigns on Social Networks, development of technical videos, tutorials, interviews or promotions, preparation of events (macro events and mini events), Webinar, or generation of BIM contests.

These are some of the means that we make available so that the recognition and acceptance of the brand have an impact among industry professionals.

BIM Technical Support

We make our technical support specialized in BIM available to the Manufacturer (outsourcing). This service is an essential distinction for them to choose a brand. Faced with so much competition, it is not enough to offer a BIM Library, but rather a technical support for their needs.

Through our BIMsupport brand, we provide technical support to the Manufacturer, in situations such as internal training, BIM implementation or cases in which the manufacturer has to participate in BIM projects.

We also offer the opportunity to promote BIM technical support service with the Manufacturer's brand, towards our professional user base and thereby attract projects and participate in them, to specify products.

Standardized BIM Templates

A project development and specification tool that is gaining more and more followers is the availability of BIM Templates.

These templates are representation of spaces and projects, in which the Manufacturer's products are already incorporated. We are talking about a new way of working; that is the Digitalization of Industrialized Construction.

The great advantage for professionals is to work in templates where the data parameters are standardized and with it the information of multiple specified products. These BIM Templates are totally readjustable and adaptable to the requirements of the professional's client.

If you are a manufacturer, and you have a BIM Objects Library of quality, the next step is to have Quality BIM Templates to reinforce the prescription services associated with the brand.

Specification in Projects

Bimetica works on BIM projects, in collaboration with Architecture, Engineering and Construction Offices. During the work´s development, we recommend the products of the manufacturers' brands that appear on the platform.

When working in projects, we issue a report to the manufacturers that we include in the project, so that the manufacturers' sales representatives can provide the best offer.

With this, we managed to generate another link of added value between the manufacturer and potential customers.

Do you want to know more about us and our services? Contact us at

Discover and connect with professional specifyers from more than 190 countries

Work with the top 100 architecture, engineering, and construction firms in the world that download files in Bimetica.